Helping Police monitor 10 Districts in the State of Karnataka .India

Helping Police monitor 10 Districts in the State of Karnataka .India

Scope of the Project

The scope of the project included the supply, delivery at site and installation, on a turnkey basis of 90 Pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) Cameras across 6 districts in the State of Karnataka. The scope also included

  • A district Control Room with 4 60 inch LED Screens was provided for monitoring and controlling operations.
  • Desktop Computer Systems with necessary Monitoring Software for cameras along with UPS was supplied at every locations.
  • A Digital Video Recorder also needed to provide with a storage capacity for a minimum of 40 days of recording.


The cameras at each of the locations in a district was connected to the control room within the district using a wireless network provided by Wavesight such that streaming of the video at each of the locations could be provided consistently and efficiently. The transmission rate was sufficient to ensure that the network bandwidth and network input/output buffers was optimized. The solution also provided a back haul plan which allowed all installed devices transmit video to the district control rooms – using open architecture and open standards.
